ProActive SchoolsTM
Determine the teacher and student needs and the activities that will address those needs.
Develop the milestones that outline how goals will be met, how often they will be monitored, and the tools that are needed to track their progress.
Decide the next steps that ensure the impact on student achievement is maximized.
Deliver the tools and support that make continuous improvement as routine as brushing your teeth!

About This Solution
Our ProActive Schools solution helps leaders implement a systematic approach that outlines the focus, planning, implementing, and auditing of powerful school-wide initiatives that improve student achievement before the initiative begins.
ProActive Schools utilize a data-driven, systematic approach to select powerful campus-wide initiatives, organize campus activities, and deliver consistent improvement year after year. Schools and districts utilize this approach to ensure priority initiatives receive the proper focus, planning, and implementation support that result in continual school improvement.
Core Components

Power Initiatives (Focus)
Participants use a systematic approach to select a few powerful initiatives to implement well. Coherence is created and communicated among the different initiatives to ensure staff can articulate the value behind their actions. Success criteria is predetermined at critical implementation levels to ensure all stakeholders understand how to implement initiatives with fidelity.

Implementation Support (Plan)
Participants use a systematic approach to create a master schedule, school calendar, and other implementation support tools before launching any selected power initiative. Support mechanisms are adjusted and modified as participants continually plan, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of their power initiatives.

Data-Driven Delivery (Implement)
Participants use a systematic approach to create implementation and instructional cycles that incorporate teacher and leadership teams meeting regularly. These teams are empowered to discuss what’s working, what’s not working, and how to make adjustments that ensure campus goals are met, as well as promote a shared vision, encourage shared leadership, and foster job-embedded professional growth.

Program Evaluation (Audit)
Participants use a systematic approach to determine the cause-and-effect correlation between the implementation strategy and student results. They then use this correlation to adjust the power initiative, delivery system, master schedule, and/or implementation support tools as they focus, plan, and implement new initiatives.
Program Sample Sessions
- ProActive Schools Overview
- Focus & Coherence Planning Session
- Strategic Planning Session
- ProActive Schools Routines
- Implementation Audit